ons nu, win $ 250 - (eindigt binnenkort!)
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Beoordeel ons nu, win $ 250 – (eindigt binnenkort!)

Beoordeel ons nu, win $ 250 – (eindigt binnenkort!)

We aim to be the top resource for all things dating, and we need your feedback on how we’re doing. Please take a minute to review us and you can win $250.

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Step 1: Submit Your Email Address

No spam whatsoever. We’ll only email if you win.

Step 2: Review Us on TrustPilot

One more step!To complete entry, you must submit your review of now:

  • Are we a “5-star” site? (we hope so!)
  • Review must be 15+ words and thoughtful/relevant.
  • Discuss our resources for online dating, etc.
  • Is our site easy to use? Do you like its design?
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(‘#trustpilot-form’).submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var email = jQuery(‘#trustpilot-email’).val();“”, {email: email}, function(data){ if ( data != “false” ) { jQuery(‘#trustpilot-form’).fadeOut( ‘fast’, function() { jQuery(‘.trustpilot-below-capture’).hide(); jQuery(‘.content > p’).hide(); jQuery(‘.trustpilot-goodbye-bar’).css({‘margin-bottom’: ’20px’}); jQuery(‘#trustpilot-jump-anchor’).attr(‘href’, data); jQuery(‘#trustpilot-step2’).append(‘Submit a Review »‘).show(); }); } else { jQuery(‘#trustpilot-email’).css(“border”, “2px solid red”); } }); }); }); // Jump Page Controller jQuery(document).ready( function() { var windowCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 – 10 + 1)) + 10; jQuery( document ).on(‘click’, ‘.tp-jump’, function( event ) { // Create Jump Page and Open it var url = jQuery( this ).attr( ‘href’ ); var windowName = “popUp” + windowCount; var top = (screen.height/2)-(800/2); // offset by window height/2 var left = (screen.width/2)-(700/2); // offset by window width/2 var windowSize = “width=700,height=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,top=” + top + “,left=” + left; url, windowName, windowSize ); windowCount++; // Prevent Default Action event.preventDefault(); }); });

After submitting your email, you’ll then be asked to rate us and provide a 15-word (or longer) review of our site. Simple! And again, we’ll never email you unless you win the $250.

The winner will be chosen randomly and sent an an email alert. By entering, you are agreeing to abide by our very simple Contest Rules. Thanks in advance for your awesome review of, and good luck winning the $250 large!

Amie Katelyn
Amie Katelyn
Amie Katelyn
MS, RD en schrijver
Amie is onze datingheld en ze weet alles over hoe ze de relatie tussen mensen kan verbeteren! Ze heeft uitstekende vaardigheden die ze gebruikt om het leven van mensen beter te maken!
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